308 research outputs found

    Effect of Location Accuracy and Shadowing on the Probability of Non-Interfering Concurrent Transmissions in Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks

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    Cognitive radio ad hoc systems can coexist with a primary network in a scanning-free region, which can be dimensioned by location awareness. This coexistence of networks improves system throughput and increases the efficiency of radio spectrum utilization. However, the location accuracy of real positioning systems affects the right dimensioning of the concurrent transmission region. Moreover, an ad hoc connection may not be able to coexist with the primary link due to the shadowing effect. In this paper we investigate the impact of location accuracy on the concurrent transmission probability and analyze the reliability of concurrent transmissions when shadowing is taken into account. A new analytical model is proposed, which allows to estimate the resulting secure region when the localization uncertainty range is known. Computer simulations show the dependency between the location accuracy and the performance of the proposed topology, as well as the reliability of the resulting secure region

    Testing the robustness of optimal operating plans under various future hydro-climatic scenarios

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    A key challenge for water resources planning processes around the world is to develop operating plans that are optimal under a range of hydro-climatic conditions. The consequences of such long term planning decisions can vary in terms of the social, economic, and environmental impacts. Given these potential impacts, it is important that operating plans are tested under a range of hydro-climatic conditions to ensure that they are sufficiently robust to withstand future changes in climate. The aim of this study is to present a procedure for testing the robustness of optimal operating plans for complex water resources systems using a combined multi-objective optimisation and sustainability assessment approach. The approach embeds an optimisation-simulation (O-S) model which is applied to an 18-objective function multi-objective optimisation problem of the Wimmera-Mallee Water Supply System (WMWSS). The WMWSS is a multi-reservoir system located in Western Victoria (Australia) which is operated to meet a range of competing interests for water using complex operating rules. The O-S model is applied to the WMWSS to search for optimal operating plans over a 100-year period into the future assuming two plausible greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels. The two GHG emission scenarios represent lower and higher ends of the estimated range of projected GHG emissions, providing a wide range of future hydro-climatic conditions. A robustness test is used to evaluate the validity of the most sustainable optimal operating plans under the two GHG emmission scenarios and also those found previously under a historic hydro-climatic sequence. The test results show that the status quo or base case operating plan is optimal but is neither the highest nor the lowest in terms of the level of sustainability that could be achieved in the WMWSS, under historic and the higher GHG emission scenario. Moreover, the results show that the most sustainable optimal operating plans found under the three hydro-climatic scenarios are sufficiently robust to withstand the full range of hydro-climatic conditions considered whereas the base case operating plan is not as robust. The risks involved in the implementation of operating plans which exhibit large deviations from the base case operating plan are discussed. These risks highlight the importance of problem formulation and sensitivity analysis of the optimal operating plans in order to find real world solutions to real world problems. © CURRAN-CONFERENCE. All rights reserved

    O instituto da concordata e a importância econômica e social da recuperação judicial

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    Orientador: Prof. Carlos Joaquim de Oliveira FrancoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoEste estudo tem por objetivo analisar a história do instituto de concordata, para, através de sua evolução, compreender a atual fase em que se encontra. Juntamente com essa análise histórica faremos uma reflexão sobre a nova empresa e sua interpretação pelo Direito. Com esses dados discutiremos sobre o instituto de concordata, criticando sua aplicação prática, para então chegarmos ao ponto crucial desse trabalho, que é a análise da concordata no Brasil, e o novo instituto da recuperação judicial previsto no Projeto de Lei nº 4.376/93, tendo sempre como pano de fundo a importância econômica e social da recuperação judicial para a empresa em crise

    New method to assess manual lymph drainage using lymphoscintigraphy

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    The aim of this study was to describe a new variation of thetechnique to evaluate lymph drainage utilizing lymphoscintigraphy.A LS scan marks the route of lymphatic vessels andmay be used to assess both manual lymph drainage and lymphdrainage after using some apparatuses. This evaluation may bedynamic, collecting images whilst performing lymph drainage orstatic, with scans before and after the lymph drainage procedure.The aim of this study was to describe a new variation of thetechnique to evaluate lymph drainage utilizing lymphoscintigraphy.A LS scan marks the route of lymphatic vessels andmay be used to assess both manual lymph drainage and lymphdrainage after using some apparatuses. This evaluation may bedynamic, collecting images whilst performing lymph drainage orstatic, with scans before and after the lymph drainage procedure

    Levantamento e distribuição das espécies de Teredinidae (Mollusca - Bivalvia) no manguezal da Praia Dura, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brasil

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    A survey for bivalves (Teredinidae) at several sites in the Escuro River and Comprido River at mangrove regions in Praia Dura , Ubatuba, SP was conducted. Nausitora fusticula was the most abundant species found in all collection sites at the border of Comprido River meaning that the species was well adapted to the intertidal regions and to the large variation in salinity (0 to 33 S). N. fusticula was found with Bankiafimbriatula, Bankiagouldi and Bankia rochi at the mangrove region in contact with the water. At the regions less influenced by the tides N. fusticula occurred with Neoteredo reynei and few specimens of the genus Banida already cited. The species of Teredinidae was found at the maximum limit of penetration of the sea water during the high tides. When the salinity was lower neither Banida species nor Neoteredo reynei occurred, but Psiloteredo healdi and AC fusticula were found.Realizou-se o levantamento e estudou-se a distribuição das espécies de Teredinidae no manguezal da Praia Dura, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brasil. Investigou-se a abundância das espécies nas regiões mais em contato freqüente com a água e as menos atingidas pelas preamares. Determinou-se, também, a distribuição das espécies ao longo do Rio Escuro, segundo um gradiente decrescente de salinidade: Nausitora fusticula foi a espécie mais abundante ao longo do Rio Comprido, demonstrando que esta espécie está bem adaptada a região entremarés e a grande variação de salinidade (0 a 33 S). Na área do bosque em maior contato com a água N fusticula é encontrada com Bankiafimbriatula, B. gouldi e B. rochi e, nas áreas menos atingidas pelas preamares, divide o ambiente com Neoteredo reynei, ocorrendo poucos indivíduos das espécies de Banida já mencionadas. O limite máximo da ocorrência de Teredinidae no Rio Comprido, correspondeu ao limite máximo da penetração da água do mar durante as preamares. Nas áreas menos salinas do rio, praticamente deixam de ocorrer todas as espécies de Banida e Neoteredo reynei, começando a surgir Psiloteredo healdi, com quem N. fusticula passa a dividir o ambiente, sendo posteriormente dominada por aquela

    The Madrid Protocol for international registration of trademarks

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    O presente artigo trata do percurso histórico do Acordo de Madri, desde o seu surgimento, passando pela adesão e pela denúncia promovidas pelo Brasil, até se chegar ao ano de 2019, em que novamente o país passa a participar efetivamente do sistema administrado pela Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual para o registro internacional de marcas. A análise do percurso histórico em apreço é secundada pela constatação de que se trata de um diploma internacional que cuida de um fluxo unificado para o depósito simultâneo de marcas em diversos países, sem prejuízo da aplicação da legislação interna sobre a matéria de cada Estado-Membro. Nesse sentido, eventuais antinomias são resolvidas em favor da Lei Brasileira de Propriedade Industrial (Lei n. 9.279/1996), sobretudo quanto à necessidade de se manter no país um advogado com poderes para receber citação. Por fim, segue um exame geral da aplicação do Protocolo no Brasil por meio da Resolução INPI/PR n. 247/2019 e a conclusão no sentido de que a adoção pelo Brasil do Acordo, do Protocolo e do Regulamento de Madri para o registro de marcas, bem como a elaboração de atos normativos que permitam colocar essas regras procedimentais internacionais em movimento no Brasil, representam importantes balizas para que se possa atingir os ideais do legislador constitucional originário e fazer da Propriedade Industrial um vetor do desenvolvimento social, tecnológico e econômico do Brasil, consoante o disposto no art. 5º, XXIX, da Carta da República.This study deals with the historical path of the Madrid Agreement in Brazil, from its origins, passing through its internalization and denunciation, reaching the year 2019, in which the country once again started to participate of the system managed by the World Intellectual Property Organization for the international registration of trademarks. The analysis of the historical journey in question is supported by the fact that it is an international diploma that takes care of a unified flow for the simultaneous filing of trademarks in different countries, without prejudice to the application of domestic legislation. Hence, any antinomies are resolved in favor of the Brazilian Industrial Property Law (Law n. 9.279/1996), especially regarding the need to maintain an attorney in Brazil with special powers (including the power to be served). Finally, there follows a general examination of the application of the Protocol in Brazil through Resolution INPI/PR n. 247/2019 and the conclusion that the adoption by Brazil of the Agreement, Protocol and Madrid Regulation for the registration of international trademarks, as well as the elaboration of normative acts that allow to put these international procedural rules in motion in Brazil represent important beacons to reach the ideals of the original constitutional legislator and make Industrial Property a vector of the social, technological and economic development of our country, according to the provisions of art. 5, XXIX, of the Brazilian Constitution

    Desarrollo web orientado al comercio electrónico: experiencia en FaCENA-UNNE en enseñanza de programación

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    En Argentina se impulsan diversas políticas públicas para el desarrollo de la Industria del Software, principalmente en la promoción y formación de perfiles de alta demanda. Hoy programar no es una actividad reservada sólo a unas pocas personas, sino que se expande favorecida por la misma demanda. En tal sentido, este trabajo se enmarca la presentación por una Unidad Académica de la UNNE en conjunto con un municipio de la provincia de Corrientes, en el “Programa de Capacitación 4.0 y Economía del Conocimiento para Municipios”; se mencionan las actividades en la formulación y ejecución del proyecto, un trayecto formativo diseñado como mecanismo para brindar oportunidades y propiciar acciones en un campo emergente como es el aprendizaje de la programación orientado al comercio electrónico. Se detallan las actividades e instancias de formación resultantes, se extraen conclusiones al respecto y se plasma las líneas que darán continuidad del trabajo.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Sistema de apoyo a la gestión de salud pública rural: etapas preliminares del proyecto

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    Con el objetivo de incorporar la tecnología a los Centros de Salud públicos, para optimizar recursos y mejorar la atención al paciente, se expone un proyecto de informatización centrado en el ámbito rural de una Provincia y se abordan con mayor detalle las etapas iniciales del mismo. El trabajo se compone de secciones: la primera introduce el tema de TIC en salud, la segunda la metodología desarrollada. Se presenta, a continuación, los resultados preliminares expuestos mediante el modelado del sistema que esbozan sus principales funcionalidades. Finalmente se sintetizan, las conclusiones y etapas a seguir para concretar el software.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Description of atmospheric gravity waves in the Buenos Aires coast, Argentina

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    En este trabajo se estudiaron las perturbaciones de la presión atmosférica en alta frecuencia (ondas de gravedad atmosféricas, OGA) registradas en Mar del Plata durante 2013. Mediante el análisis realizado con el método espectral wavelets se obtuvo que las duraciones de los lapsos de actividad, la estructura espectral, la intensidad energética y las amplitudes de las OGA son diferentes para cada evento. En general, los eventos activos duran entre 5 y 20 h y las máximas fluctuaciones de presión están comprendidas entre 0.5 y 2 hPa, con periodicidades típicas entre 30 y 150 min. De los 37 casos de OGA detectados se encontró que 24 están asociado a frentes fríos, 9 a frentes cálidos, y 4 están relacionados con otros forzantes sinópticos. Se encontró que la mayoría de los eventos ocurren cuando la zona frontal se ubica al N de la Patagonia y se desplaza hacia el E o NE. Se utilizó el modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) para simular dos casos. En el primero se observó un frente frío y un ciclón en superficie al S de la provincia de Buenos Aires y sobre el océano mientras que en el segundo, un frente cálido al S de Buenos Aires que luego se desplazó hacia el NO como frente frío. Los resultados obtenidos con el modelo WRF indicarían que la dirección predominante de propagación de OGA en la región costera bonaerense sería hacia el E-NE, discrepando con los escasos antecedentes disponibles para la región que indican que la dirección de propagación sería hacia el ESE-SE.High-frequency perturbations of the atmospheric pressure (atmospheric gravity waves, AGW) measured at Mar del Plata in 2013 are studied in the present paper. Implementing the wavelet spectral method it was obtained that the duration of the active lapses, the spectral structure, the energy and the amplitudes of AGW are different for each event. It was found that, in general, active events last between 5 and 20 h and that the maximum pressure fluctuations range between 0.5 and 2 hPa, with typical oscillations between 30 and 150 min. From the 37 active cases of AGW, it was established that 24 are associated with cold fronts, 9 with warm fronts, and 4 are related to other synoptic systems. It was found that most of the events occur when the frontal zone is located at the northern Patagonia and moves towards the E or NE. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was implemented and two cases were simulated. In the first case, a cold front and a cyclone located at the southern Buenos Aires Province and on the ocean were observed. In contrast, in the second case, a warm front was observed at the southern Buenos Aires Province, which then moved towards the NW as a cold front. The results achieved with the WRF model indicate that the predominant direction of propagation in the coastal region of Buenos Aires could be towards E-NE, in disagreement with the available scarce background for the region indicating that the direction of propagation could be towards the ESE-SE.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica